Sunday, May 3, 2009

Flying Pig: Ten Essential Tunes for a Swine Flu Epidemic

Flying Pig
Originally uploaded by Lizette Greco
The Swine Flu has flown, or at least it seems to have. Here is a list of tunes to load up for such an occaision:

1. Little Piggies... The Beatles
2. Little Pigs... Mucky Pup
3. War Pigs... Black Sabbath
4. Old School Pig... Tilt
5. Devils, Rats and Piggies... The Mekons
6. Pork Tornado... Pork Tornado
7. Primus... Pork Soda
8. When Pigs Fly... by local scene artists Eddie & the F@#k Munkeys
9. Smell the Bacon... Madball
10. Pigs (Take your Pick...)... Pink Floyd

Just a nice little playlist to celebrate the pig flu season and all the things it has brought us. Hope you enjoy. Where else would you find psychedelic rock and hardcore on the same playlist...

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