Chad Price of Drag The River
Originally uploaded by matthewadamslife
Here is some info from their website to give it all a little background:
"During the early days of the Blasting Room there were many open hours for learning how to make records. Jon & Chad recorded around 20 some songs in late '96 ... Whoever was in the studio that day could play. They just basically had to learn the songs in the time it took to play them. Over the next couple years those recordings were bootlegged alot.So they finally released "Hobo's Demos" and did some touring around the turn of the millennium. In March 2002 the band released "Closed" which was also on Upland/O&O records. That label is owned & operated by the All-Descendents family & co run by Joe Carducci of the legendary SST label. They put out all your favorite 80's punk records like Black Flag, the Minutemen, DESCENDENTS, Meat Puppets, FIREHOSE, Husker Du.....all those and too many more to mention.At that time Karl Alvarez left & J.J. from the NOBODYS joined and they started traveling more seriously. Later that Oct. 2002 they put out "Live at the Starlight" on Mars Motors (Jon, Flash and Chris Irwin's label) & produced their live, vinyl only release. That was a bar room idea that had little chance but actually happened. The companion to "Live at the Starlight" is "At the GREEN DOOR O.K.C." a humbling & totally different show recorded five days later in front of a less than excited crowd. The "Chicken Demos" is the sister release of "Hobo's Demos" and came out May 2004, also on Upland/O&O."Hey Buddies" e.p. was released in Nov. '04. 6 songs co-released by the fine people at Red Sand. It was super limited to begin with and more limited when more than half of them were stolen at a show in Green Bay. Two months later a more widely available version with different art & packaging was released by Mars Motors & distro'd by suburban home records....beginning that relationship. At this point Zach went back to school and the band kept on as a four piece....but not without infrequent visits from Chad Rex who easily stepped in when available. Casey Prestwood picked up the steel & lead duties for a year and a half from Feb. 2005 thru Oct. 2006. In October 2005 Paul entered his silver years surfing in California. He was in the band a full decade. He later joined the Street Dogs Dogs from Boston & has sat in with DTR on several occasions since.
Dave Barker played drums for a year and a half from the end of 2005 to the beginning or 2007.
In Dec. '05 the band mixed songs for 3 different 7inches. Chris Peirce of ''technical ecstasy studio" in N.J. mixed & recorded two songs for a "THIRD WORLD INDUSTRIES" 7in.& the others were mixed at Jon's where they were recorded.the first release is from our friend Darick's label "wallride" in MD.
In January '06 the band recorded a new record at the Hideaway in Sedalia Co. with Marc Benning. An all analog studio totally lost in the Colorado mountains.There is also a split with the DENTS from Boston where the bands cover each others songs.& Roger De Rok released ''gabba gabba HEY BUDDIES'' on vinyl w/ bonus songs. "It's Crazy" from Suburban Home Records came out June 6th 2006. 10 years of music for the band.January 2008 "you can't live this way." was released.Summer '08 more songs have been tracked & mixed in the garage and at the Blasting Room. Shows happened and continue to happen.
Some are Jon & Chad duo shows & as many are with J.J., Zach & Chris Pierce of N.J. on drums.....it never ends."
Check them out. You will be glad you did.
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