Monday, October 27, 2008

Sarah Palin Hung in Effigy (Not a town in Nebraska)

West Hollywood Hangs Sarah Palin in Effigy

From the Wing Nut Right Wing blog Moonbattery:

"The homosexual community that festers in West Hollywood has expressed its class and its political sophistication in a single gesture by hanging Sarah Palin in effigy:


The excuse is that anything goes, with the Halloween Carnival coming soon. Somehow I doubt we'll be seeing BHO hanged if effigy in West Hollyweird, any more than we'll be seeing FBI and Secret Service investigations, like the ones that resulted when someone tied a cardboard effigy of The One to a tree at George Fox University last month."

Sarah Palin, when asked if she knew about the plan to hang her in effigy, stated:

"Well, that there Effigy is one town I am sure gonna stear clear of, ya know?" 

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