Monday, October 27, 2008

A Word of Advice to the Pro Life Movement: You are Getting PLAYED...

Originally uploaded by theprayeramendment
The Republican Party has used you as a wedge issue for the last 25 years. Let's look at the facts. Last eight years: Republican President? Check. Republican House and Senate? Double Check (at least til 2006). Right Wing Supreme Court? Check. Do we still have abortion on demand? Yes. Did you hear anything about abortion coming from the right? No. They were too busy trying to scare you with immigration, tax cuts and our Iraqi invasion. Not much news on the abortion front.
They did nothing on the abortion issue, because it is a powerful tool to divide people. Why would they want to get rid of that? Immigration and terrorism have lost their luster as wedge issues. The old Republican trifecta of "fears, queers and smears" has seemed to have lost its luster as well.
This time out, why don't you vote for your own economic interests instead of putting more money into feeding the Republican fat cat machine by offering sweetheart deals and tax cuts, no bid contracts and other freebies. If you want to get rid of abortions, use your faith as a positive change by showing love, kindness and giving assistance to the women in need of help. That would be a much more effective way of lowering the abortion rate than calling people baby killers. I have been called a baby killer. I have never killed a baby. I brought two of the damn things into my house and they have gotten quite large and noisy. Who doesn't love a baby? Wake up and smell the stench that is the Republican Wedge Issue that is Abortion.

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Start where you are...
Use what you have...
Become the change that you want to see in the world.

Enough for Everyone's Need, Not for Everyone's Greed...

Live simply so that others may simply live.

Become the Media

Don't listen to the one-sided corporate-owned media. They are not in the business of finding the truth. They are only concerned about making money for themselves and their stock holders. If they do report the truth, it is only because it suits their business plan. A happy accident...
Become the media! Blog it, film it, record it...
You still have credibility... They don't.