Friday, August 8, 2008

Goodbye Good Riddance! Thanks for the Tunes

Good Riddance was a punk band. Hailing from Santa Cruz, Ca. they featured a melodic brand of punk and hardcore that was hummable. They performed their last concert earlier this year in their hometown, and thankfully it was recorded for posterity. The cd is called "Remain in Memory". Although it doesn't break any new ground musically, it is a great retrospective of the material from all their earlier albums. It is also a testament to their excellent live show. Good Riddance were certainly no musical innovators, but did have a nicely recognizable style that offered great musicianship and memorable melodies. The world could stand more bands like these guys. They will be missed.

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Start where you are...
Use what you have...
Become the change that you want to see in the world.

Enough for Everyone's Need, Not for Everyone's Greed...

Live simply so that others may simply live.

Become the Media

Don't listen to the one-sided corporate-owned media. They are not in the business of finding the truth. They are only concerned about making money for themselves and their stock holders. If they do report the truth, it is only because it suits their business plan. A happy accident...
Become the media! Blog it, film it, record it...
You still have credibility... They don't.