Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I Still Detest China for their Lack of Human Rights

I can not wash the image from my mind of innocent people being killed by their government just for speaking their mind. I know it was 20 years ago, but it doesn't seem that things have changed that much. I try my best to eschew Chinese products, as hard as it is. I think the business model of importing cheap goods from the other side of the world is a horrible waste of energy. I try to forget the bloody images of Tian an Men Square in '89. We call them "Most Favored Nation" and buy their crap by the shipload. They can take their Olympics and run over it with a tank like they did the Pro Democracy protestors. They faked the opening fireworks, they faked the song that 7 year old supposedly "sang". They faked their gymnastics team, who are pre-teens, breaking the rules (they must be 16). So, they lie, they cheat, they steal... They crush their dissidents with tanks. I am not anti-Chinese people, just anti-Chinese government. They are just nazis with a plastic smiley face and an olympic insignia painted on. I can't wait for the Olympics to go away.

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Start where you are...
Use what you have...
Become the change that you want to see in the world.

Enough for Everyone's Need, Not for Everyone's Greed...

Live simply so that others may simply live.

Become the Media

Don't listen to the one-sided corporate-owned media. They are not in the business of finding the truth. They are only concerned about making money for themselves and their stock holders. If they do report the truth, it is only because it suits their business plan. A happy accident...
Become the media! Blog it, film it, record it...
You still have credibility... They don't.