Sunday, August 10, 2008

Pigman Takes on Edwards

Just in case NUN o'u whole moe's don't seek bloggage. And note: There is never a mind of mine to mine. Its all about toast.
I may shake like a 6.9, but my column is always a mouthful.

Kornfucious say: seek progress, not perfection......for you will find first in roots, not dyed, the latter in chase.
Frogs....It is a sad day when a shtupid asshh mofo runs for El Presidente........while he's cheating - on his brilliant-smart-lawyer-wife...who just happens to be suffering from BREAST CANCER!!!! Eee Dee IT. If there is ever a candidate for the award, "You SUCK, and should die,..." it'd be him. Ignorant MOFO = him.
Sorry about my Passionate- French: But, holy cow -what an ass whole. POS complete. Flushable. Delete from historical memory, fool.
And, I ain't judgin' here. But I am sayin'.
Between this one and the one who recently supported his wife's run, for El Presidente, post experience in ARK, USA, and impeachment - cheatin' sunny beach- why, why - would anyone vote for John Mc Anus? Mc Anus did the exact same thing....which is......cheated on his FIRST WIFE!
Pete Rose was not the first one to cheat on a wife....or Baseball...or on his fellow AMERICANS.
Err' one of these type has the Joe Thiesman syndrome.
Just lucky enough that their mom's chute was big enough to birth such a big ass head without Guiness World Record Author there to substantiate the event.

This country needs somthing LOYALTY....ACCOUNTABILITY.......
If, and say this like a "BEARS" fan........if Buh RACK....O'BAMA.......frocks up.....and I don't think he will......we, as a country are not only economically in piss poor shape...but we are in that world of hurt that even the GW WWIII DID NOT HELP US escape.

So, what is next?

U freakers tell me!

Now that I've knife-laden the sandwich bread with my's the 'speaking of which' non-peanut butter, which makes it a think-wich:

Pax vobiscum.


1 comment:

Taterx said...

Sorry Bebo. Insane in the membrane – I vote for McCain.

In baseball, it’s not cheating unless you get caught. Always has been that way; always will.

Cheating on your wife is human mistake, but inexcusable if you want to be POTUS. McCain has apparently buried his past indiscretion quite well.

My opinion: If Obama wins, you’ll have another inexperienced ignoramus politician running the country. Just like GW. Change candidate? My arse!

But Obama is a pretty peacock! And smooth like buttah.



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