Methinkith..........McAnus forgot the 7 P's.
Prior proper preparation prevents piss poor performance.
This is a Republican disaster.And, they don't need 'Her-ick-a-knee' named ' Gustave', to rain on their parade. McAnus has already pissed on it. McAnus went and blew it. Blew it more fierce than Gustave's winds the Republicans feared Fox would rather cover (no way Rupert would allow that).He dissed Romney (whose name sounds like an old 70s shoe by Addidas) - and the Huckster. Even dissed Hillary by comparing Pallin's inexperience - and Hillary's experience. Say what?
It boils down to this: Life Insurance.
He has some policies I don't care for; but he's risking leaving us, the US, with no policy. Brilliant? Hardly - this will go down historically as a bold and calculated attempt to attract Hillary Dems, et al. And, she will probably persuade folks to let us drill in Alaska for oil. (BTW, the supreme court decision to lessen Exxon's damages over Valdeez was simply WRONG).But his choice for VP, it flies in face of logic. The man is 72, had several bouts with cancer, and is ready to stroke out any minute. He has failed already at the most important issue which is the mitigation of the risk of his coding. The starving masses need worthy leftovers.
A vote for McAnus is NOT worth the risk of an inexperienced anybody taking the helm (man, woman.... red, yellow, black or white or whit-etc).They say Obama lacks experience; compare his Senate experience to her political experience.
If Obama ascends to the pearly gates, we got Biden. If McAnus gets burried 6 foot under, ashes to ashes, we got her?
No thanks.
Ciao for now.
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