Thursday, February 11, 2010

big brother is watching you - Google and NSA working on a deal?

From the ACLU's website, this frightning tidbit:
"Google and the NSA. It is hard to imagine a more potent—or frightening—combination when it comes to the collection and safety of Americans' private information.

But just such an alliance is underway. As reported by the Washington Post, Google—the world’s largest search engine company with access to intimate details of our lives—is negotiating an electronic surveillance deal with the National Security Agency (NSA)—the world’s largest spying network.

The implications of this deal are very troubling. The NSA—a component of the Department of Defense—is an intelligence collection agency with few effective checks against abuse and no public oversight of its activities. In the last decade, the NSA’s vast dragnet of suspicionless surveillance has targeted everyday Americans, in violation of the law and the Constitution."

Speak out and stop this dangerous partnership before it’s finalized.

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