Sunday, August 24, 2008

Bike Tour of Michigan Thumb

I spent a couple of days last week touring the "Thumb" area of Michigan. This is a rural area filled with farms, flat land, wide shoulders and constant headwind off Lake Huron.
I went through areas like Frankenmuth, which is a neo-Bavarian tourist town. Lots of nice shops and restaurants along the way. I skirted Bay City and made my way over toward Bad Axe where I spent the night. Lots of heat and humidity. The roads were great except for the small portion that turned out to be gravel for about a half mile. Sometimes the map isn't very clear about stuff like that. I like to tour with an open agenda and little formal planning. Just ride and end up where you end up. I stayed the night in Bad Axe because I like the name of the place.
Day Two: All went well until I experienced a catastrophic drivetrain problem in a little town called Unionville. At this point I was only 35 miles from my car, so I stayed with my gear and my friend Mark peddled on to get the car, and then drove back to get me. Note to self: Get your derailleur and cables check over before the ride, especially on a 10 year old Bianchi with 10,000 miles on it... Otherwise the Bianchi did great.

This scenic river flows into Lake Huron.

On a whim, I took a side road into this park and was glad I did. I sat there for a while beside the still waters and restoreth my soul.

Here is Pigeon, Michigan which, like the namesake of the town itself was a great place
to roost for a short time. I sat on the bench in the picture, fluttered around a bit, made a lot of noise, annoyed the passers-by and talked to locals about the humidity. I'm not sure a pigeon would do the latter, but I did. I refrained from pooping on any statuary, which was also very unpigeonlike of me. Overall a scenic little town with friendly folks.

Next year I will do another ride somewhere. I have all winter to plan it. And maybe do some bike maintenance. New cables, derailleur tuneup. And definitely take less stuff with me. I must ask this question of everything in my panniers. "Do I really need to peddle this?" Every ounce takes energy to move it.

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Start where you are...
Use what you have...
Become the change that you want to see in the world.

Enough for Everyone's Need, Not for Everyone's Greed...

Live simply so that others may simply live.

Become the Media

Don't listen to the one-sided corporate-owned media. They are not in the business of finding the truth. They are only concerned about making money for themselves and their stock holders. If they do report the truth, it is only because it suits their business plan. A happy accident...
Become the media! Blog it, film it, record it...
You still have credibility... They don't.