A few years ago, my friend Mark and I decided to do a short bike tour. We rode from Marshall, Mi. across northern Indiana and back. We are going to do it again this year, riding along Lake Huron in the "thumb" of Michigan.
Here is the funny thing about me and Mark... We love bike touring because there is always some near catastrophic event that we can laugh about later. Years ago, we were in Cincinnati and our car got towed in 10 degree weather. We had to walk several miles in the cold and dark to retrieve it. I had left my coat in the car as well. One time when in college, we were walking to a local restaurant when it started to downpour. Mark was running head-first into the restaurant, when he accidentally hit his head on their advertising sign, cracking both the sign and his head. On our last bike tour, we rode through rain for 25 miles. We arrived at our destination for the night, a town in rural northern Indiana. We had made no reservations, since it was "in the middle of nowhere". Got there. Sold out. We are looking forward to what calamity this year's ride will bring. It makes for great stories. Years down the road! We would never use GPS. Who wants to know where they are at all the time?
And we never pack enough food or water. That way I can halucinate convenient stores over the next hill. (I know there's one just ahead...)
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