Sunday, January 18, 2009

Ten Essential Women of Punk?

Who are the Ten Essential Women of Punk? I can think of lots of great candidates. Nowadays there are tons of great punk singers of the female persuasion. The Soviettes, The Eyeliners, Tilt, the list goes on, and there are plenty of great female artists in the punk genre... But who were the first? Who paved the way? Here is my list. If I left anyone out, feel free to comment! In no particular order.

Patti Smith:
Who is considered the poet laureat of punk. I remember her stuff coming on the scene in the late 70s (editor's note, I am an old fart) and the passion of her lyrics and vocals. She brought a literate and lucid vision to the music scene at the time, and was (and still is) an original. Most people are at least partly familiar with her from the near hit Because the Night. My fave was always Pissing in the River.

Exene Cervenka (X)
Passionate singer of the great SoCal punk band X, I always loved the sense of urgency Exene displayed in her vocals. The album Los Angeles is a definite "add" for any collection, and my favorite tune by X was Breathless. This was actually done for the soundtrack of the 80's film Breathless, but the tune was better than the movie anyway.

Wendy O.Williams (Plasmatics)
When punk was scary and new, so was Wendy O. My mind reels with pictures of WOW blowing up a car on the Tom Snyder show, blowing up school buses, wielding a chainsaw onstage. She was both scary and exciting, like her music. The blonde mohawk and schoolgirl skirt, whipped cream and duct tape. Not to be confused with any other band leader on the planet... She had attitude, and showmanship. She tragically ended her life a few years back.

Debbie Harry (Blondie)
Not a true punk by today's style, but punk in a NY art house sort of way. Like Talking Heads, Blondie, Television, etc. who were considered punk in the 70's. Debbie had a great stage presence, classic beauty and an interesting voice. I always liked Rip Her to Shreds with its attitude. She pioneered mixing rap and rock with Rapture. They delved into new wave, electronica, dance and punk.

Joan Jett (The Runaways)
I am the same age as Joan and these ladies. As a hormone- raged teen, seeing Joan, Cherie, and Lita et al, was quite overwhelming. One performance of Cherry Bomb was enough to start an adolescent male riot. I give Joan the vote since she was the best known, but all the Runaways deserve the nod. They paved the way for riotgirl punk and bands like The Donnas.

Kim Gordon (Sonic Youth)
Noise, art punk, hardcore or whatever, Kim was one of the original noisemakers who helped launch the avant garde punk scene in the early 80s. She was just one of the band, not a novelty, as bands with female members were in the days before the came on the scene.

Gaye Advert (The Adverts)
From the other side of the pond, I needed someone to represent britpunk. Gaye fills that bill. She is one of the original britpunk women I remember from back in the day. Good punk vocs and stage presence, with tons of the britpunk attitude. I like the old snarling dog style of the British rockers.

Kira Roessler (Black Flag)
Kira gets the nod because she was tough enough to tour with Black Flag. I'm not sure that I am even tough enough to tour with Black Flag. Van rides to nowhere, sleeping on floors, eating stale fast food... For additional punk rock cred, she was once married to Minutmen bassist Mike Watt as well. And a very good bassist. I saw her and Mike Watt in Chicago as "Dos" doing their 2 bass spiel back in the early 90's. Good show!

Nico (Velvet Underground)
Not punk as we know it, but proto-punk. Nico showed that women did not need to all sing ballads and play the victim, but could be on the cutting edge of rock music. I give her the pioneer award for her work with Lou Reed and the Velvets.

Suzi Gardner (L7)
Although more of a grunge player, I am giving Suzi props because she walks the line between grunge and punk. She also appeared on the Black Flag cut Slip it In. She was the female character providing miscellaneous moans, vocals, screams, etx. It don't get more punk than that.

Alright, who did I leave out? Post angry and insightful comments below! I love girls with guitars!!! Especially the angry ones.

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Enough for Everyone's Need, Not for Everyone's Greed...

Live simply so that others may simply live.

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You still have credibility... They don't.