Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Rep. Robin Hayes (R) NC- "Liberals hate real Americans"

Originally uploaded by environmentamerica

Republican Rep. Robin Hayes of North Carolina brought us this bit of high brow political thought at a McCain rally over the weekend: "liberals hate real Americans that work and achieve and believe in God."
Now we also get to see and hear Randy Kuhl (R-NY) say on camera that he "firmly believes" that Democrats want the American People to suffer and to hurt." Here's the exact quote:

"I firmly believe the Democratic majority wants the American public to suffer and to hurt so that they can make some political gains at election time, and I think that's wrong."

I am a liberal. I do not hate real Americans. I don't even hate this knuckle-dragging chucklehead. I work hard. I try to achieve. I even believe in God and attend church. I do not want to see the American people suffer (like they have the last 8 years). So there...

His remarks came shortly after he had said he would "make sure we don't say something stupid, make sure we don't say something we don't mean." Let's give him a do-over, shall we?

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